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DURC Workshop

Sep 07, 2023

The workshop is co-hosted by EVA team and ERINHA partners and aims to provide support to consortium members in understanding what Dual-Use of Research Concern (DURC) is and provide hands-on practical information on tools you can use to identify potential DURC aspects in your research projects and how to best address them. We would like to support our community by enhancing awareness about this topic and help you fulfill obligations under the EU dual-use regulation 2021/821.

It is crucial that all researchers, and especially virologists, are aware of the issues involved. The EVA management team encourages broad participation and especially recommends institutes with BSL3/4 laboratories to participate in the workshop.


  • Welcome and goals of the workshop (Tony Fooks, APHA
  • What is DURC and is it relevant for my research? (Rik Bleijs, Head of Biosecurity Office, RIVM)
  • How to DURC? an online tool to support you! (Rik Bleijs, Head of Biosecurity Office, RIVM)
  • Q&A / Discussion (Jonathan Ewbank, ERINHA)
  • Next steps for EVA (Scarlett Sett, DSMZ)
  • Closing remarks (Tony Fooks, APHA)

Registration is free and open!