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Call for Experts – Technical Advisory Group on Laboratory Services, Systems and Diagnostics in Health Emergencies

Sep 10, 2024

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking experts to serve as members of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Laboratory Services, Systems and Diagnostics in Health Emergencies (TAG-LAB). This “Call for experts” provides information about the advisory group in question, the expert profiles being sought, the process to express interest, and the process of selection.

HEPR Framework

Well-functioning and sustainable laboratory services, systems and diagnostics, operating according to international principles of equity, quality and safety, are essential to implement the International Health Regulations (2005) and achieve global health security. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently published the health emergency prevention, preparedness, response and resilience (HEPR) framework, describing the critical role of the laboratory to implement Collaborative Surveillance.

Laboratories also provide essential data to guide clinical care and inform coordination operations, as well as public health and social measures, in a range of emergency situations including outbreaks of pandemic and epidemic prone pathogens and humanitarian settings involving conflict, protracted crises and natural or man-made disasters. Considering this, a global strategy focused on laboratory services, systems and diagnostics for health emergencies is needed to address all of these contexts.

This strategy will connect global efforts and advance implementation of the laboratory components of the HEPR framework and World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution 74.7 on strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies that called for countries to “strengthen laboratory-based detection capacities”.

In this context, WHO is establishing a Technical advisory group on laboratory, services, systems and diagnostics for health emergencies (“TAG-LAB”). The TAG-LAB will act as an advisory body to WHO in this field.

Areas of expertise

The TAG-LAB is multidisciplinary, with members who have a range of technical knowledge, skills and experience relevant to virus evolution. Up to 25 Members may be selected. WHO welcomes expressions of interest from experts in laboratory services, systems or diagnostics, clinical scientists, academic researchers, healthcare professionals, or others with expertise in one or more of the following areas:

-Laboratory Systems
-Laboratory Services
-National and International Policy, Regulation and Guidance
-Clinical Management
-Outbreak Preparedness, Response and Resilience
-Emergency response in humanitarian settings involving conflict, protracted crises and natural or man-made disasters
-Academic Research
-Public Health
-Virology, Microbiology, Mycology, and Emerging or Re-emerging diseases

Learn more and submit and expression of interest here by September 30.